I’ve worked with a number of schools and teachers over the past few years and I have come across many common challenges and questions. So, I thought it might be useful to put together these infographics that break down what teachers need to stop doing and what to do instead when it comes to teaching maths.
You can check out the infographics here 👇
Download the PDF version here.
Keep reading if you want a brief overview of each section.
I’ve put this series of infographics together inspired by a similar infographic that “The Reading League” produced a few years ago on effective reading instruction.
A Systematic and Structured Approach to Teaching Primary Mathematics
Many schools that are aligning their practice to the science of learning are starting to understand the benefits of providing daily retrieval practice through things like “Daily Reviews”, “Do Nows” and “Warm Ups”. What you call it is less important than how it is actually run. There are some essential ingredients that need to be included to make it have the desired impact and that involves applying the Desirable Difficulties principles (retrieval practice, spaced practice, interleaved practice and generation effects).
When the same activity is done each day (e.g. Number Talks, Maths Groups, Skip Counting), without intervention or extension, students who are able to do it one day, are still able to do it the next and students who can’t do it one day, are still unable to do it the next. So, the desirable difficulties are not achieved.
For building fluency, it needs to be understood that you need to acquire the knowledge before you can build fluency. So, if students are put under time pressure before developing accuracy of facts, then this can lead to feelings of anxiety. Fluency practice needs to be at their instructional level. This can be worked out through Curriculum-Based Assessments (see assessments).
Instead of this | Do this |
Thinking that because you’ve taught something, students have learnt it. | Provide daily retrieval practice opportunities with concepts spaced out over time. |
Getting students to recall the same concepts everyday. | Apply the principles of desirable difficulties and have students thinking hard when recalling information. |
Believing that students don’t need to be able to recall their basic maths facts with automaticity. | Run timed fluency practice sessions every day at their instructional level. |
Having whole-class timed fluency practice sessions on the same problem-set. | Ensure students have accuracy with the facts before putting them under time pressure. |
Solely focusing on rote memorisation of basic maths facts. | Equip students with mental strategies to use when they cannot automatically recall facts. |
Running daily maths groups without any specific learning intentions. | Make sure every practice activity has a clear purpose, like building fluency, maintenance or applying knowledge. |
Starting every lesson with number talks. | Get more students thinking by giving the whole class more chances to participate. |
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I’ve written previously about the hierarchical nature of mathematics and so this means that if students don’t have the pre-requisite knowledge, then the most effective and efficient way for them to gain it is by the teacher teaching it to them. Applying the gradual release of responsibility enables the teacher to gradually fade away the prompting and scaffolds (see how I put this into action here).
We also want to use formal language instead of informal language because it helps students develop their conceptual understanding, explain their answers and gives them the vocabulary to differentiate between similar concepts.
Instead of this | Do this |
Believing that students learn better if they discover things for themselves. | It is more efficient and effective to teach them first because then misconceptions aren’t picked up. |
Assuming students know what to do if you’ve shown them. | Go through the gradual release of responsibility and provide multiple opportunities to respond with specific feedback during the guided practice phase. |
Feeling that students by a certain age don’t need to be using concrete materials. | Help students understand abstract concepts by using concrete and visual representations and clearly connecting them to the abstract ideas. |
Feeling that students who are a certain age need to be using concrete materials. | Fade-away the reliance on manipulatives because it is a slower way to operate. Move through the concrete-pictorial-abstract phases as fast as possible, but as slow as necessary. |
Thinking that if students respond with correct answers during guided practice that they understand it. | Ensure that they have independent practice opportunities to demonstrate that they can do it without prompting and scaffolding. |
Believing that the academic language in maths is too complex. | Break down the vocabulary using morphology, etymology and examples and non-examples. |
Thinking that once a concept has been taught that students can apply it in any setting. | Provide minimally different problems that support students in noticing connections and understanding the concept. |
I don’t think there’s much conjecture over what needs to be taught in maths, but there’s more debate around how it’s presented, when different concepts are introduced and what aspects are prioritised. The two key ideas to understand are:
- Knowledge is domain specific, so each new unit of work needs to be presented in a way that treats the learners as novices.
- Novices go through the stages of learning described in the Instructional Hierarchy (see here).
Motivation can certainly be increased through connection, but those connections don’t have to be to “real-world” activities. In fact, often we manufacture these tasks to involve real-world things, but end up with totally unrealistic scenarios. e.g. Max had 58 avocadoes that he had to share between 4 friends. How many do they have each? All the students are thinking about is, “Why does Max have 58 avocadoes?”
The “Big Ideas” and “connectionist” approach sounds great, but often it ends up taking the focus away from the main idea e.g. Let’s go look for shapes outside and the students just ends up chasing butterflies.
Instead of this | Do this |
Overloading students with big ideas. | Break lessons into smaller, manageable chunks and revisit concepts regularly. |
Assuming that the foundational maths concepts are easy to learn. | Assess if the foundational concepts have been mastered, rather than assuming. |
Focusing only on getting through the curriculum. | Ensure students truly understand key concepts by providing multiple practice opportunities and that they can do things accurately and independently. |
Prioritising conceptual or procedural understanding. | Understand that students need both conceptual and procedural understanding and it is bidirectional. |
Thinking that teaching algorithms doesn’t build conceptual understanding. | Know that understanding how to use an algorithm not only builds their conceptual and procedural knowledge, but is generally also the most reliable and efficient way to solve a problem. |
Presenting a number of different strategies to tackle a mathematical problem when the concept is new. | Develop fluency in one strategy first, then introduce new strategies. Be intentional with the problems presented, to highlight when particular strategies might be useful. |
Treating maths as a series of unrelated topics. | Connect different maths concepts to show how they build on each other. |
Believing that every lesson must be entirely grounded in real-world applications. | Let the maths be the fun part and only bring in real-world applications when they are relevant to the students. |
Differentiating the curriculum because some students are perceived as being better at maths than others. | Differentiate through the types of practice opportunities and scaffolding that is provided. |
Again, the debate isn’t about whether or not we want our students to be engaging with problem-solving activities or rich tasks. The issue is when these tasks are presented to students. Some teachers will speak about we need to aim for “productive struggle”, when more often than not, this just leads to destructive struggle.
The main reason is that if we present problems to students when we know they don’t have the required knowledge, then it just leads to them feeling frustrated because they can’t actually visualise what they need to do.
Also, problem-solving doesn’t have to mean complete discovery learning. In fact, it’s extremely helpful to provide students with an Attack Strategy (e.g. UPSCheck) and Schema-Based Instruction. This provides them with a framework to approach word problems with and builds their self-regulations skills.
Instead of this | Do this |
Beginning lessons with open-ended tasks before the required knowledge has been gained. | Engage learners by teaching them what they need to know and allowing them opportunities to be successful at it. Use worked examples to reduce cognitive load and accelerate learning. |
Only providing problem-solving tasks for fast finishers and as extension activities. | Ensure all students have daily opportunities to tackle word problems rooted in concepts they have already mastered, using a structured problem-solving strategy that has been explicitly taught. |
Allowing students just to provide their answer. | Emphasise that mathematics is more than just coming up with the correct answer. Ask why, how and what if questions. |
Providing scaffolds and prompts when students have mastered concepts. | Encourage students to apply what they have learnt to novel problem types. |
Believing that once fluency has been acquired that students won’t need guidance anymore. | Students might still need to be explicitly taught when to apply certain skills and how to bring isolated skills together. |
Linking keywords to specific operations in word problems. | Provide students with an attack strategy or easy-to-remember series of steps they can use to guide their approach to solving word problems. Also, teach them that we can use certain strategies for different types of schemas (problems which have similar types of structures). |
Feeling that more learning will happen if problems are solved in small groups. | Only use group work if students have specific roles and responsibilities that will benefit the learning of all students in the group. |
The main questions to ask are:
- What is the purpose of each assessment?
- Does each assessment provide me with the data that I need in a reliable and valid way?
Instead of this | Do this |
Relying on pre and post assessments to tell you if students have learnt something. | Understanding students’ prior knowledge is important, but it’s more effective to use formative assessments to guide your next steps than to test concepts they haven’t learned yet. |
Placing students in intervention groups based on standardised assessments. | Use Curriculum-Based Measurements (CBM) as a universal screening tool to quickly assess whether students are performing at grade level. |
Relying on national standardised assessments like NAPLAN to tell you whether your school is going well or not. | Understand that often standardised assessments are all word problems. So, they actually assess whether or not students are able to apply their learning. |
Relying on externally developed summative assessments. | Design summative assessments that align with what was taught and mirror the problem formats used in class. |
Assuming that students will build fluency just through practice. | Use Curriculum-Based Assessments (CBA) to measure fluency with Digits Correct Per Minute (DCPM) and identify specific skill gaps for remediation. |
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A Systematic and Structured Approach to Teaching Primary Mathematics
Just so you know that this isn’t just me deciding what works and doesn’t work, this is my reference list 👇
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