In this episode of the Knowledge for Teachers Podcast, Brendan Lee speaks to Dr. Rouzana Komesidou, a researcher who fell into implementation science after seeing the gap between research and practice in schools. In our conversation, she gives an overview of what things schools should consider before implementing something, how leaders can support the process and what things to avoid.
Tag: School Improvement
06 – Reid Smith on curriculum, collaboration and Ochre Education
In this episode of the Knowledge for Teachers Podcast, Brendan Lee talks to curriculum expert Reid Smith, founder and co-CEO of Ochre Education and Head of Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction at Ballarat Clarendon College. Reid’s done a lot of research around the importance of knowledge for comprehension and cognitive load theory.
Knowledge for Teachers Podcast – Tom Sherrington on why we need effective and precise teaching techniques
In this episode of the Knowledge for Teachers podcast, Brendan Lee chats to Tom Sherrington about how Tom randomly found some Bill Rogers videos that were transformational for him. How he worked out the need to deliver precise professional learning for teachers and the common challenges that schools face. Tom also goes through how schools are using Teaching Walkthrus effectively.
Knowledge for Teachers Podcast 04 Daisy Christodoulou and Jeanette Breen on knowledge, assessment and AI in education
In this chat, Brendan Lee talks to Daisy Christodoulou and Jeanette Breen about assessments, writing, AI and much more.
Knowledge for Teachers podcast – 02 Stephanie Le Lievre on implementing structured literacy across the school
In this episode of the Knowledge for Teachers podcast, Brendan Lee speaks to Steph Le Lievre about what schools can do to implement structured literacy across the school. She outlines precisely what schools can do and why they should do it.
The Nuances Of Changing Teacher Behaviour
We can provide the best professional learning for teachers, but often it doesn’t change what they do in the classroom. In this post, I look at why changing teacher behaviour can be so difficult and what we can do about it.
Why you can’t change someone who believes in balanced literacy
In this blog, I will look at why it can be so hard to get someone to change and four simple steps that we can follow to support them through the transformation in their thinking.
1. Agree on the problem
2. See the world through their eyes
3. Shrink the change
4. Clarify the solution
5 Rules For Using Data Effectively
So much is invested into schools based on data, yet I will argue in this article, a lot of school data isn’t reliable or valid. I will also analyse some of the mistakes many schools make when looking at data. Finally, I will offer 5 rules to follow in order to use data effectively.
Can we create professional learning that works for teachers? (Part 2)
This post will look at what we used for effective professional learning for teachers, how we used it and how it measured up against the Education Endowment Foundations Effective Professional Development guidance report. Finally, I reflect on how effective it actually was and what future recommendations I have.
Can we create professional learning that works for teachers? (Part 1)
Teacher professional learning is one of those things that all schools do, but not many do well. This article looks at why it needs to be done well and how we can do it using the evidence.