This is the second episode of the Knowledge for Teachers Podcast, which focuses on Marsden Road Public School. In the previous chat, Brendan Lee spoke with Marsden Road’s Principal, Manisha Gazula. Her story has inspired thousands of educators around the world. In this conversation, you will hear from Deputy Principal, Troy Verey. He is a highly respected educator in his own right and is also a shining example of Manisha’s ability to support the development of her staff. Throughout the conversation, Troy details the Core Program and describes what it looks like in the classroom.
Resources mentioned:
Pr1ME Maths
Doug Lemov
John Sweller
Daniel Willingham’s Why Don’t Students Like School
Rosenshine’s Principles
Ybarra and Hollingsworth’s Explicit Direct Instruction
Lorraine Hammond
Australian Education Research Organisation (AERO)
Castles, A., Rastle, K., & Nation, K. (2018). Ending the reading wars: Reading acquisition from novice to expert. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 19(1), 5-51.
You can connect with Troy:
Twitter: @TVtheTeacher

About Troy Verey
Troy is a deputy principal at Marsden Road Public School and has teaching and leadership experience in English and Australian schools for over 10 years. His professional interests focus on shifting the culture of education from one based on ideologies to one based on science, and his current projects include developing teacher curriculum content knowledge, cultivating evidence-based pedagogy and improving assessment practices for literacy and numeracy. Troy is a current member of the Macquarie University Centre for Reading advisory board and a founding member of the Sharing Best Practice committee.
Thanks Brendan, I’m interested in Troy’s mention that they stream or ability group their classes. Troy & the Principal has also promoted the use of Hattie’s evidence, yet Hattie lists ability grouping as one of his lowest effect sizes. I think the tension between what research purportedly says and what schools then do is an interesting area to explore.