A lot of focus in education is put on the curriculum, teaching methods, the ability of the student and behaviour management. However, what is often neglected is teaching kids how to actually learn. We go straight into teaching the content, without thinking about how the students are actually going to learn.
Learning is the infinite superpower that we all have. Amazingly, our brain is able to continually absorb new information, no matter how old we are. It can learn even better when we put the magic COAT on! COAT is the acronym that I have put together that will guide my teaching in order to ensure that my students learn!
Author: Brendan
Every child should have every chance, but they don’t
How can we ensure that today’s generation of young people, not only hold onto those hopes and dreams, but gain an education that gives them the skills needed to succeed in life.
Why I cannot wait to return to teaching (this time in a primary school)
Teaching’s in my DNA, I am a teacher with almost 10 years’ experience. Also, my mother is a Deputy Principal, my wife is an early childhood educator and my sister is also a teacher. I have worked with many inspiring and dedicated teachers. I love teaching – when you have one of those great “teaching moments,” there aren’t many better feelings than knowing that you are actually having an impact on a young person’s life.